Thursday, January 24, 2008

Choooooocolate The Elite Superfood

Feel Guilty no more. Chocolate has been reappraised as an Elite SUPERFOOD:

Harvard studies and candy merchants alike are excitedly touting its health benefits. But can these claims be too good to be true?
Before you reach for that candy bar, it’s important to realize that health benefits are found in unadulterated chocolate, such as raw cocoa powder abs cacao nibs.
We are accustomed to eating naturally bitter cacao in its sweetened, processed form. But many nutrients are lost during chocolate processing. That’s why making a drink with unprocessed, unsweetened cacao is an ideal way to reap chocolate’s benefits. Most health food stores carry organic cacao powder, and many stock raw cacao nibs for healthy, portable snacking. These nibs are the centre of the cacao beans, found within the large pod fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree.

Caroline Cski, CHNP (“Alive” Canada’s Natural Health and Wellness Magazine)
Feb 2008

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