Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Build Your Xoçai™ Business... Step 2

Giving out your contact information:
Have you ever been out to the store and ran into a friend from years past. You meet and talk and then exchange contact information. It happens all the time. Or here is another example, your planning to meet with friends and you need to exchange contact information to get together later. When these events happen, we usually give our information verbally; write it down on paper, or several other methods that we commonly use.

Here is the solution. Always give your contact information via a Xoçai™ business card or any other recourse with the information on. Walk with them everywhere you go. Have your name, number and your free website on these info with a catching phrase, " A CHOCOLATE REVOLUTION....". You will accomplish your task of giving out your contact information as well as creating business exposure with zero marketing cost. You can even tell them to check out your website. Make this a habit and over time you will have people going to your website or asking you about it. You can take this simple method a step further by giving out your contact information to people you meet throughout your community. For example, you go to the grocery store and check out. Simply smile to the cashier and give her/him your card. Tell them, "you got to check out this website, it could change your life". It’s just that simple.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. --Robert Collier

To our Success
See you next time.
A Chocolate lover