Sunday, April 6, 2008

Build Your Xoçai™ Business On A Limited Budget!!!

Over the past 10 months I’ve come across many people who have felt or pondered, "How can I build this business if I don’t have much money". This feeling in my opinion has prevented many people from attempting to build their business. Many of these people end up becoming product users and lose their focus on building the business side of Xoçai™! But, the reality is that you don't really have to have an enormous budget to build your business.
While reading these 4 steps, imagine if everyone in your group practiced these simple methods consistently. These simple methods could easily add one or two new people to your group on a monthly basis.
Step 1:
The first method is a very simple method that can cause growth without much additional effort on your part. It centres around something most of us do on a daily basis, email!! We all get a free website for being apart of MXI Corp. For example here is the site that belong to me and I was provided by the company:
This website provides great product information. There are talking videos that explain in detail the products. The site also shows members giving testimonials! One can learn a lot about the company and our products just by viewing this free website. A guest can even take it a step forward by ordering product and become a member of your organization without personally talking to you. This is a great resource.
Now, how does this relate to email? Well it’s quite simple. Simply add an automatic signature to your email system that includes a few words and the free website link. For example,

“Healthy Chocolate it’s Beautiful Thing”".
Your emails should always end with this new signature.

Imagine every email for the next twenty years going out with that simple message attached. People will click on that link just out of curiosity. Some will even call you back and ask you about the product. Some will be compelled to try the product. All you have to do is write emails and respond to emails and you will create exposure to your business. Have you ever made the mistake and hit the "reply to all" button? Well now will be the best time to mistake that mistake all the time. LOL!!!
...the only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible!. --Unknown

See you soon with the next step.
To our Success,
A hopeless chocolate lover.